Friday, September 30, 2016

This is my declaration...

This is my declaration...
Fear has no control over me.
Fear has no stronghold on my life.
Fear has lost its grip on me.
Fear cannot and will not control me.
I have been broken free from fear's hold.
No part of fear is left with me.
No part of me is left with fear.
I am renewed.
I am revived.
I am no longer choked by the hands of fear.
His arms are no longer around me.
I am free!
I live in freedom!
Fear of man, fear of failure.
Fear of the past, fear of the future.
I am free!
Fear's fingers are no longer intertwined in my being.
I am not made for fear.
I am not made for angst.
I am not made for pain.
I AM made for love.
I AM made for faith.
I AM made for peace.
This is my declaration...
God has set me free from my bonds of fear.
God has released me from these chains.
God has freed me from this captivity.
God has healed me.
He has blessed me.
And He loves me!
In Him I have hope.
In Him I have peace.
In Him I have faith.
In Him I have a promise.
In Him I have a purpose.


This is my declaration!

-Rebekah Waligorski, 9/30/16

"So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves.  Instead, you received God's Spirit when He adopted you as His own children.  Now we call Him, 'Abba, Father.'  For His Spirit joins with our spirit.  To affirm that we are God's children."  ---  Romans 8:15-16

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